At Progress, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors to our web site and to our Studios in Birmingham. In particular, we want you to know that Progress Music Academy is not in the business of selling, renting or trading email lists with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes. We do not share or use any of our customer data for anything other than the sole purpose of providing a music lessons service.

But just in case you don’t believe us, this Privacy Policy provides detailed information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, how we keep it secure and our obligations under the 2018 EU GDPR Regulations.

We collect cookies via our website which are used solely for the purposes of monitoring activity and identifying trends within our website. Cookies are also used by Google Analytics for the purposes of gathering usage and statistics for website analysis.

As part of the registration for lessons process, we collect some personal information. We use that information for a couple of reasons: to tell you about stuff you’ve asked us to tell you about; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to check our records are right and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied. We don't rent or trade email lists with ANY other organisations and businesses.
The customer data provided is used solely by us to provide the service(s) it is intended for. We collect basic information such as Name, Address, Telephone number and email addresses.

Progress exclusively use an online booking system called TIMELY. All of our customer data is held within the Timely system and further information can be found regarding TIMELY’S approach to Data Protection HERE

As a data subject, you are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our Gary Walmsley, Progress Music Academy on or telephone 0121 212 9642. Any subject access requests will be actioned within 48 hours.

This policy will be reviewed annually, or sooner if the working environment changes accordingly.


Progress Music Academy

Rev – 1.1 May 2023